Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just another aspect of the trade

I've been with my new contractor for about a month now and it's another completely different experience not only working for a smaller shop but type work I've been doing. In my first year with Perl I did a little bit of outside work on rooftops and a little lightning protection but for the past months just about everything I've done has been in the ground. Most of the work consist of running pvc, getting boxes in with the masons, setting up pole bases, and finding pipes that have already been buried in the ground which happens to be one of my least favorites. You can say this is new to me but I've noticed that it's all still pretty much the same thing. I've dug dirt before I've ran plenty of pipe and I've set wire and pulled pipe before so the different circumstances of which they are done doesn't really take much time to adapt to. I kind of expected to feel green again and take a while to get adjusted so I feel much better than I've gotten a chance to get my feet wet in this part of the trade. I find myself talking to a lot of guys about their different experiences and not being able to find envious thinking that I might be missing out on some of the good experiences I need to make myself more valuable. I guess in due time it will all come so I try to breath easy but sometimes my nature just won't let me. All and all I'm enjoying my experiences with the new company and once my raise finally comes which it seems I missed somehow by 40 hours :-\, I'll definitely be a much more happy camper.

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